Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.

I think we can all agree that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great man and an unswerving freedom fighter. He was arrested many times, his house was bombed and he survived an assassination attempt ten years before his death.  Despite that kind of oppression and attacks, he persevered through hardships to create a huge and lasting impact on society.

In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day this coming Monday, the link below is a letter he wrote in 1963 after being arrested for peacefully protesting without a permit. His words beautifully illustrate why he sacrificed, why he was able to make a difference in the world, and for what he stood.


Though it is long, this “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” is truly beautiful and worth the read. Let’s all remember him well for everything he lived and died for.

Lots of love,
Your Alliance Team

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