Traditional Tank Water Heaters VS Tankless


If you or your client are preparing to replace your water heater and are unsure if you should switch to a tankless water heater, let us help you decide. Here are some pros and cons for both.

Tankless water heaters

They are smaller and take up less space, leaving room for other things. You’ll save appx. $6 to 8 per month on your energy bill (depending on who you ask).

They can cost several times more than regular water heaters. You do save money on your energy bill each month but it will take years to pay yourself back.

Traditional water heaters

Your initial cost is a fraction of a tankless water heater.

They take up more space and are less energy efficient, adding a few bucks to your energy bill.

Our conclusion?

If you have the space to fit a traditional water heater, go that route and save yourself some money. With either method, cold water will be sitting in your pipes and you’ll still have to wait for it to run through before you finally get hot water. A tank holds gallons and gallons of water, so you’ll get hot water just as quickly as with a tankless.

And the bonus? Should a natural disaster occur and water is cut off, you have extra usable water stored.

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