The Importance of Sewer Line Scope Inspections

Why You Should Always Get the Sewer Line Scoped Before Purchasing Real Estate

When we ask clients if they would like to get the sewer line scoped along with the general inspection, they occasionally decline if the building is brand new. The reason we strongly recommend getting the sewer line inspected on new construction is because we have yet to see any flawless building. The same rule applies to all types of construction, whether it’s a structure or a sewer line. By getting all construction inspected, any defects can be brought to the builder’s attention.

Often a building will be torn down, then a new one built in its place. In those cases, you can’t know if the sewer line is new or if it was left untouched. Many times, the general inspector will urge a client to get the line scoped when he sees trees near the main line. But property owners commonly have had trees removed and any damage would have already been done to the sewer line unbeknownst to anyone, unless the line is scoped.

Ask any sewer line inspector and they will probably tell you that 9 out of 10 sewer lines have problems, even brand new ones. The most common issues with new sewer lines are the pipes collapsing or separating. Separation allows for root growth which causes problems up the road. Collapsed pipes restrict flow which leads to other problems.

The cost to repair these defects can range from hundreds to many thousands of dollars if excavation is needed. But without a professional sending a camera through, you won’t know either way. The below picture is from a recent inspection (older property) where significant root intrusion is visible.

Between these points are cracks and roots.  The cracked portions should be excavated and repaired.  I recommend replacing the Clay pipe with ABS starting at the cleanout to the sidewalk.  Cost is about $4000-5000.

We offer:

  • Onsite debrief
  • Narrated full-color video
  • Inspection report with recommendations

 If you don’t already have a sewer line inspector that you love, then give us a try. We think you’ll agree that our inspector Jim is friendly and incredibly competent. Call us for your next sewer line scope and receive a repeat discount if you do the general inspection with us!

Your Real Estate Inspection Team

(818) 353-2885



Narrated full-color video Sewer Line Scopes available!

Sewer line video inspections are an additional fee to the general property inspection.


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