Roof Maintenance Tips

This is a reminder not to wait until the rainy season to call a roofer. That’s about the same time everyone else needs a roofer and when they are the busiest.

The rainy season usually begins in the fall. Due to the sudden need for a good roofer, fees rise with the increase in demand. Also, the busier the roofer is, the longer you have to wait for him to come to your property for an estimate. Then you could wait weeks before he has time to perform the work.

Remember, the interior of the structure is protected by the building envelope (Building Envelope: the exterior surface of a building—the walls, roof, floor, windows). The roof is the most important part, because it’s what sheds the water. Even if the problem begins in one area, the water can flow everywhere. If the roof is in poor repair, a leak can damage the ENTIRE building and everything in it—computers, equipment and important documents. Nothing is safe from uncontrolled water.

Another advantage to maintaining your roof and attic is that properly installed and serviceable fans and insulation could save you in energy costs.

 We offer:

• General physical inspection of all types of commercial properties.
•  Sewer line inspections with video.
• Specialized inspections utilizing Infrared Technology.
• Mold & Moisture inspections.

 A properly conducted PCA provides vital information which could reduce risk, as well as costly surprises.

Robert Gaudreault, ASHI, CREIA, MCI

State Contractors License #488726

  • ASHI, ASTM E2018, ICC & Infrared Certified
  • CREIA member since1998
  • CREIA’s highest certification (MCI)
  • Construction Management degree from UCLA
  • Licensed General contractor & C29 in Masonry
  • Former president of the SGV CREIA chapter
  • 45+ years experience in construction
  • 20+ years inspecting commercial properties

Additionally, our consultants:

  • Provide onsite consultation
  • Carry Errors & Omissions + General Liability
*Infrared, sewer line scope and mold & moisture aren’t part of a general service. These are specialty inspections with additional fees.
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