Brand New Buildings

Too often, buyers and investors opt out of getting the building assessed, citing that they are only leasing the property, or since it is brand new, it should already be perfect. Even if your builder is top notch and strives to deliver the best possible product, anyone can make a mistake. Also, he may use subcontractors who make mistakes. Even if the builders did everything right, parts can be defective which could cause problems.

For example, we performed a Property Condition Assessment on a brand new building where we flagged no less than 25 items, ranging from slow drainage to cracked roof tiles. When you take possession of a brand new building, it should be as close to perfection as possible. We can flag any defects, so you can ensure that the builder makes any needed repairs.

Inadequate clearance maintained from around the flue pipe. This can be a potential fire hazard.


For Building Leases


We have seen many instances of people leasing and not getting the building assessed, due to the building being leased and not purchased. But if you check your lease, you may find that you are responsible for the HVAC systems, interiors or other parts of the building. If you will be obligated to make future repairs at your expense, getting the building examined could benefit you greatly. You can ensure the building and its systems are in operable condition before signing off on any contracts and taking possession.

Pipe not connected and emptying into crawl space.

Old roof package. Improperly installed and at the end of its serviceable life.

Robert Gaudreault, ASHI, CREIA, MCI                
State Contractors License #488726                     

  • ASHI, ASTM E2018 and ICC certified
  • Level One Certified for Infrared
  • CREIA’s highest certification (MCI)
  • Certificate in Construction Management from UCLA
  • Licensed General Contractor & C29 in Masonry
  • Former president of the SGV CREIA chapter
  • 45+ years experience in construction
  • 20+ years assessing commercial properties
  • Performed thousands of commercial assessments since 1996, arming Alliance with vast knowledge of industrial buildings, tilt-ups, multi-family, etc.


We offer:

  • Easy to read, comprehensive reports with color photos and Cost to Cure on all needed repairs over $3000.
  • 5-Year Cost Assessment on structures over 10,000 sq ft.
  • Estimated life expectancy on systems.
  • PDF Report usually delivered within 2 – 5 business days, depending on size / complexity of structure.
  • Unbiased and clear reporting per ASTM E2018 Standards.
  • Full briefing with consultant and walk-through of the building to review findings and answer any questions.
  • The same outstanding professional service we have provided to other large corporations, such as Nissan and Disney.


  • We carry Errors and Omissions Insurance plus General Liability.


Your Real Estate Inspection Team

(818) 353-2885


Narrated full-color video Sewer Line Scopes also available!

Using state-of-the-art equipment, the inspector accesses the main line and uses a camera to look for cracks, pipe separation, root intrusion, blockages, etc. Client will receive a link to the report and video.

A certified Mold/Moisture specialist will visually assess the area and take air samples and/or swabs, as needed.


Sewer scope and mold/moisture inspections are an additional fee to the general property inspection.

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