What You Always Wanted to Ask, But Didn’t: Part III

What is included in the inspection?
Per ASTM E2018 guidelines, an inspector’s main focus is the major systems, such as the roof, foundation, electrical, plumbing, and heating/air (excluding those that are covered by an HOA). We also do the interiors, which include doors, windows, outlets, bathrooms, water heaters, etc. For more information, check out our Buyer’s Guide here.

Do I really need to follow up with a specialist?
Yes. Your inspector’s job is to flag anything that could be a problem and recommend appropriate specialists for further evaluation, which may uncover more defects. Without the specialist’s examination of the unit or system, you may not know the true condition and other defects could go unnoted.

Are pools and spas included in the inspection?
Yes and no. The Standards of Practice do not require that the inspector examine pools or spas, except to note presence or lack of safety gates. But many inspectors will examine pools and spas for an additional fee, which includes the plumbing, electrical, motor and other components of the pool or spa system.

Is there an extra fee for additional buildings?
Yes. Each building has its own electrical, foundation, plumbing, roof and HVAC systems which can double the amount of time spent onsite, as well as require more work to create the report. Any additional buildings usually come with a fee to compensate for the extra time spent.

Look for Your Burning Questions, Part 4 next month!

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