Energy Efficiency Tips

If you’re home a lot these days, like many of us, you’re using the heater or air conditioner more often and it has probably increased your expenses. Here are some ways to ease up on your wallet:

Staying Cool

  • Service your air conditioner. Replacing or cleaning your air filter alone can lower your unit’s energy usage by 15%.
  • Maintain the duct system. Air loss through ducts can account for nearly 30% of the system’s energy consumption.
  • Installing and setting a programmable thermostat could save you 10% a year on heating and cooling.

  • Make sure your windows and seals are in good condition.  Gaps allow for entry of hot air and loss of cool air, which requires your air conditioner to work harder and use more energy.
  • Open windows and doors or turn on ceiling fans when possible to naturally cool the house.
  • Avoid creating more heat inside by cooking outside.

Other Tips

  • If you have to replace an appliance, install an Energy Star. When all your appliances are Energy Star, you could save nearly $750 over the lifetime of the products.
  • By replacing only five light bulbs with Energy Star efficient bulbs, you could save $75 a year.
  • Operating your water heater can be less costly by turning the temperature down and using a low-flow showerhead.
  • Plugging your electrical equipment into a power strip and turning it off when not in use can save you up to $100 a year.

You can also get an energy audit on your home, whether you opt for a professional company and pay a fee or you qualify for a free or low cost energy audit through DWP.

Happy savings and stay cool, friends!

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