Mold Inspections

About Mold Inspections Not all mold, mildew and environmental impurities pose a threat. Obviously, no one can know what kind of fungus is present, or the degree of harm it may cause, without laboratory testing. That’s where we come in. Mold is typically found in areas with poor air circulation (attics, crawl spaces, basements) or […]

Commercial vs. Residential

Commercial Property Condition Assessments vs. Residential Inspections The approach when inspecting a residential building should be significantly different than when assessing a commercial structure. On a residential inspection, an inspector will follow the guidelines of CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Association) or ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors). The procedure involves examining systems or portions […]

Roof Maintenance Tips

This is a reminder not to wait until the rainy season to call a roofer. That’s about the same time everyone else needs a roofer and when they are the busiest. The rainy season usually begins in the fall. Due to the sudden need for a good roofer, fees rise with the increase in demand. […]

Why Clients Should Be Present For the Inspection

By Robert Gaudreault After 20 years in the inspection business, I’ve observed many facets of the field and taken note of methods that work and don’t work. One successful routine is having the clients present at the inspection. Not just arriving near the end, but actually being there from start to finish. When the client […]

5% off all services through the month of August!

5% off all services through the month of August! If you’re never used us before, now is the perfect time to try us out. We offer: • General physical inspection of houses, townhomes /condos. • General physical inspection of all types of commercial properties. • Limited Building Inspection of systems only (reduced fee).* • Sewer […]

Inspecting Rebuilt or New Structures

New or Rebuilt Structures Too often, clients decline getting inspections done on new or rebuilt structures since all or most of the work was done so recently. Because we have yet to see any flawless building, regardless of age, we always strongly recommend getting all newly constructed buildings inspected. Builders have standards to follow but those requirements […]

Building Maintenance Tips for Summer

Building Maintenance Tips for Summer Air conditioner As spring turns into summer and temperatures rise outside, so do the use of air conditioners. With just basic regular maintenance, building occupants won’t be caught off guard and subjected to sweltering heat. Change the filter regularly—every three months is considered standard. But the more the air conditioner […]

Infrared Inspections

We Now Perform Infrared Inspections! Infrared technology is quickly becoming more common for inspections of residential and commercial buildings. The infrared camera measures heat and is invaluable for detecting hot spots and anomalies that require further investigation. Example of a hot spot on an electrical panel: Infrared is particularly useful on HVAC components for evaluating […]

Why you should get an inspection before listing your properties

More and more real estate agents are asking their clients to get a physical inspection before putting a property on the market. Benefits to a pre-listing inspection by a competent inspector: A pre-listing inspection is ideal for as-is sales. If your seller has already declared they will not do any repairs on the property, you […]

News and updates!

We’re #1 on We were selected by to be included in their Top 20 inspection companies in the Los Angeles area. In fact, we are listed first! They rate inspection companies with the following criteria: 1. Reputation 2. Credibility 3. Experience 4. Availability 5. Professionalism We happily accept the honor! Check out the […]